Sunday , February 9 2025
Ways to Repair a Sagging Headliner

Ways to Repair a Sagging Headliner

A headliner can be defined as the fabric that secured to the framing of the roof of your vehicle. It is a multi-purpose component of a car that is responsible for absorbing noises and maintains the inside temperature by buffering the outside heat and cold.

Although it helps significantly in filtering the outside temperature, it gets affected by the same extreme weather conditions. It loses its grip from the foam backing of the vehicle roof over time. As a result, it starts to look saggy and often gets in the way of your view.

Sagging headliners is more visible in old cars and replacing headliners can cost you as good as the price of a new car. If you are looking for ways to fix the headliner of your vehicle, here are some hacks that will help greatly in repairing the roof of your vehicle.

Gluing the Headlining Roof Back to its Position

If it is only partially coming off the surface of your vehicle’s roof, you can use specialist headlining adhesives to fix it. Although there are many ways to fix the headliner, when it is only around the edges, glues, and adhesive are the best options to do for.

When using glue or adhesives, you could try heating it. Heating the adhesives ensures that after the glue cools down, it bonds strongly with the surface of the roof and doesn’t come off easily.

Use Pins to Fix the Sagging

What would you do if, on a trip, the headliner comes down after your car hits a rough track? Not only it is annoying, but it is also blocking your view of the road ahead. You possibly won’t pull your vehicle to the side, heat the glue and continue on the road, will you? Nobody moves around with all the repair tools and accessories. In these scenarios, you will need some quick hacks to repair the headliner.

If you have some twisted pins, it can be used to attach to the foam backing of the roof. Although it’s a reliable, quick fix and hold up for a while, it is not a permanent solution.    

Paint Roller and Steam Cleaner Composition Works

Paint Roller and Steam Cleaner Composition

Steam cleaning involves steam to clean floors and household dirt and others. Though it is widely used in domestic and industrial applications, it can also be used in fixing the headliner of any vehicle. All you have got to do is, first use a steam cleaner to melt the adhesive and then use it to glue in the headlining.

To ensure that it is firmly glued to the surface, you can use a paint roller to level the surface. It works great in getting rid of all the air bubbles trapped while gluing.

The objective behind using steam treatment to the headliner is to revive the stickiness of the glue. Adhesives lose heir viscosity over the years, turns hard, and start coming off easily.

Note: Make sure that you don’t over steam the headliner. This may shrink the headliner, or in worst-case scenarios, it could also burn it. Also, avoid completely drying up the glue as it could get brittle and may come off later.

Use Hair Spray and Staples

Hair Spray and Staples

Using a staple might sound like an unconventional way to fix the sagginess of the headliner, but it works. If you are looking for an affordable solution that works efficiently to hold the headliner for a while, staples and hair spray is your answer. Though it is not a permanent solution, it is an excellent alternative for those who hesitate to spend their valuable money on an old car, as replacing a headliner is not cheap.

You will need a staple gun as a paper staple won’t work here. Staple the headliner to its position using a staple gun. Now, spray the headliner using the hair spray and let it dry. After the headliner is all dry, gently pull out all the staples, and you’ll have a fixed headliner.

Use Double-Sided Tapes

Double-sided tape works well to stick the headliner to the foamy backing of the roof. It only works if the headliner has ripped-off a bit and coming off from around the corners. Double-sided tapes are not a permanent solution to the problem. If the adhesive quality of the tape is not reliable, it can easily come off after some time.

Therefore, you must choose the best-quality tapes before using it to fix the headliner of your vehicle.    


Before you opt for a particular solution for your vehicle, always inspect the affected area of your roof’s headliner. Depending on the size of the sagging, you can choose a specific method to fix the headliner that suits your vehicle. For the residents of Gold Coast looking for professionals to fix the issue, you can search on the Internet as mobile car roof lining repairs Gold Coast and you’ll get the best results in the region.

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