Nutritionists recommend finishing a meal before feeling full because saturation comes with a delay. But what if the feeling of satiety does not come at all? Also, try your hand at sports betting and find out cotes sportives.
Excessive hunger, especially after eating, signals the body trying to tell that something is wrong with it. The causes of this condition may be diet, illness, or mental changes.
What is the feeling of hunger after eating?
Eating Disorders
Constant restriction in nutrition causes a slowdown in metabolism. The feeling of satiety does not come, and the brain does not receive signals about food intake into the body. Against the background of an emotional disorder, the neural connection between food intake. And sensations in the body are also disrupted. Nervous shocks can be expressed so vividly that they cannot cope and cease to regulate appetite and satiety.
No matter how far evolution has advanced, humans are still mammals. Animals know that if there is food, there is stability and security. This mechanism is imprinted in our subconscious. Only most modern people suffering from eating disorders use the reverse logic: you can calm yourself if you eat. Thus, food becomes a reward and a way to support oneself morally. As a result, we cease to understand when we experience real hunger and are sad or scared.
Overweight and, as a result, constant overeating and a distended stomach are common causes of a “brutal” appetite. People with a higher body mass index are more likely to experience hunger.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
For example, peptic ulcers and gastritis can be accompanied by an unbearable feeling of hunger, which is almost impossible to drown out. In this case, you cannot self-medicate. Be sure to contact a specialist to undergo a complete examination of the gastrointestinal tract and quickly solve the problem.
Lack of sleep
Frequent lack of sleep stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter orexin, which is responsible for bouts of hunger. Its elevated level affects blood sugar levels and metabolism in adipose tissues. You should be wary if your sleep most often lasts four hours instead of the prescribed eight, and a feeling of hunger constantly haunts you. In this case, you should take tests and pay attention to sleep and rest.
Thyroid problems
Various diseases and disorders in the thyroid gland cause a feeling of hunger. For example, an overactive thyroid gland increases energy expenditure. What to do? There is only one way out – to contact an endocrinologist, undergo an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, and take tests for the level of its hormones.
Acute vitamin deficiency
Vitamin deficiency can also cause a delayed feeling of satiety. So the body can signal an acute shortage of B vitamins and amino acids. In this case, it is necessary to pass a set of tests for the level of these substances and consult a specialist so that he prescribes the proper diet and vitamin complex.
How to understand that a constant hunger after eating appeared for a reason?
Excessive hunger, especially after eating, signals the body trying to tell that something is wrong with it. If you ignore the symptoms for a long time, the violations can become irreversible. Genetic testing can be done To avoid this. This is especially true for people who gain extra pounds due to a lack of satiety. The study determines the presence of a mutation in the genes that regulate eating behavior. And the results point to the risk of obesity and autoimmune diseases.
What to do if you want to eat something else after eating?
First of all, you need to determine what you feel – real hunger or the vagaries of the body. Do you crave something sweet, salty, something that looks delicious, or a complete meal? Then try to drink the liquid. Keeping hydrated throughout the day is generally beneficial, and sometimes it makes sense to drink something instead of eating, as we often confuse thirst and hunger.
If the feeling of hunger has not disappeared after this, you can analyze whether your diet has changed recently. Perhaps you are undernourished, and the body is trying to replenish energy reserves by sending signals: the level of hormones associated with hunger rises. Maybe it is worth reconsidering the structure of nutrition and adding more products that give saturation for a long time. For example, include in breakfast fatty protein: eggs, salmon, avocado. It is essential not to forget about the perception of food. The way the dish looks affects saturation. Therefore, sometimes you can eat more with a large salad than with a handful of nuts.