What is anime44.com?
You can never ignore anime44.com if you’re a true lover of anime series. Anime series come in different genres that vary from action to drama. It has a clean and understanding interface with a huge collection of anime series.
It features dubbed movies and is also friendly to those who face difficulty in understanding Japanese, but it lacks the feature of download option which is bad news for some fans.
All the anime series are amazingly organized and you can easily watch manga, daily episode movies, movies, cartoons on the website and many more. It is the perfect place for those who love anime movies.
What happened to anime44.com?
We all know that most of the anime websites are not allowed as they are illegal and they do not get allowed by the authorities to show any type of content on their website.
anime44.com is also one of those websites that have been blocked by the authorities and ISP providers which is why the website remains down and most of the viewers cannot get access to the site.
Just after being locked down, anime44.com has opened another domain named as animenova.org. Now the lovers of anime44.com search for animenova.org.
Anime44 alternatives
If the site is not working and you do not want to miss any exciting anime episode of yours then here are some alternatives that are always available for you to watch your anime episodes. These are the best streaming sites. You can choose these sites and have the same features with better performance so let’s have a look.
- Animeplus.tv
This is one of the best websites that you can choose for yourself as an alternative to anime44.com. This website has all the features that you get in anime44.
You can download and watch free anime shows and anime movies online. This website is one of the best ones you can find to watch any anime shows.
The site is simple to use and handle. It is also a highly reviewed site. The site has everything you need from tv shows, anime series and more. The site is safe and trusted.
- Chia-anime.com
It is an excellent alternative and one of the best anime sites. You get a lot of movies available on this site and also videos and shows. It is suited for all the ages.
You get all the videos dubbed and subbed in English and which is why the site is loved by many foreigners. The only con of this website is its dashboard.
The website has around seven million users from all across the world and its most popular language is English. The site is safe and worth a visit.
- AnimeTV.ge
This is also a great alternative for anime44.com and is a free website. It contains a huge database of anime movies, shows and videos and you can easily find all the anime series here dubbed in English.
It also features a search tab on all the pages it contains. The sidebars contain ads in it but its interface is quite simple. You may get irritated as there are some popup ads too.
You can also sign up with Twitter as well as Facebook and the website has seven million visitors visiting this website per month.
- 9Anime.to
Another best alternative to anime44.com which has a lot of videos and movies and shows which you can watch in full HD and also in the English language.
The site is totally free and you also get a list of subbed and dubbed anime content. It also has the filter facility by which you can watch the oldest videos too.
- Crunchyroll.com
It is one of the most popular and the biggest websites that provides content dubbed in English and provides you with fantastic viewing experience of about 720p.
The site is not fully free to use and has a lot of users. Most of the users are paying users. The site contains about 26000 anime movies and about 15000 licensed content and all you need to do is register with an active email id.
- Animeplanet.com
This website is a paradise for anime lovers which has earned a good reputation and name in the market. You are offered manga, anime, reviews and also a chart of the series on this website.
It is not just a site but a community where you can easily make friends and share your experiences and can also follow the people of the same interests.
- animefreak.tv
This is one of the most-streamed websites online and you can get access to the site without even registering. It contains all the episodes of your favourite shows and you can’t even miss one.
The speed of the website is also good and has up to 11000 anime series and traffic of about 12 million per month. It is a great alternative to anime44.com.
- Kissanime.com
It is also a popular anime streaming site that provides videos in HD quality. It also offers a catalogue of all the anime series in the different genres.
It offers user interface and user-friendly experience which is why it is loved by most of the users. You can also request an anime that the website does not contain.
- Gogoanime.com
This is also a great alternative as it provides all types of anime from the classic to the latest ones and also the most popular ones. You also get tabs from which you can choose what to watch.
Every show contains several servers so if any link that you have chosen doesn’t work then you can opt to another link. It is very fast in speed and also easy to use.
- AnimeRush.TV
This is a newcomer website that has a lot to offer and also offers less lag streaming with high quality of videos and audios. It has about 40000 episodes in its library and the website gets updated after every hour with a new and latest episode. It also allows you to download the videos on the mobile phone.
Anime44 is one of the best websites that has decided to go down but we have solved your issue by providing you with the ten best alternatives to it so that you never miss an episode. Check the above websites out and choose the one that meets your needs suitably.
Image Source: https://i2.wp.com/lagspikes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/anime44.jpg