Saturday , February 15 2025
Best Hawaiian Island

What Is the Best Hawaiian Island to Visit?


The Island is known to be a gathering spot and if you’re planning to take a trip here, it’s best to enjoy having a social life! Its North Shore is a quieter and more relaxed part of the island however, Honolulu is full of activities and sights to be seen.

Oahu has the highest number of frequented of all islands, not just because the character of the island aligns with so many people, but simply because it’s the most famous. It is after all where you’ll discover The Arizona Memorial and The Punchbowl Cemetery which are the most famous places across all of Hawaii.

Visiting the two most visited tourist spots will take at maximum, one day. What are you going to do with the remainder of the time? If you’re on Oahu There are many possibilities that it could take you a few trips to explore at least half of them.

In addition to lying at the beach and swimming in the sea, Honolulu, the major city on the island situated on Oahu is a lively and bustling city that is with a variety of dining and shopping experiences museums, filled with cultural history amazing scenery, and many pluses.

Oahu is the ideal island that you must visit on the North Shore, where world-famous surfers meet every winter to enjoy some of the most beautiful waves you can find anywhere on earth. Explore the charming town of Haleiwa while located on this side of the Island.

Other places you might want to check out when on Oahu include Diamond Head, a famous Hawaiian landmark which you can climb up to the top to enjoy amazing panoramic views of the ocean from a military bunker; Hanauma Bay, a marine park that lets you swim with Hawaii’s incredible variety of marine wildlife; Sea World, the most beautiful setting I’ve ever experienced for an aquarium which offers an educational program that lets you get close to dolphins in a close-up; I’olani Palace, the residence of Hawaiian royalty King Kalakaua as well as Queen Lili’uokalani. And of course, you must visit China Town while on Oahu.


Maui is also known for its status as The Valley Isle, because of the valley between the two volcanoes. It is my absolute favorite of the islands, and it’s what I would consider to be a truly tropical paradise. I am a huge fan of beach fronts in Hawaii and that’s the reason Maui is my top choice.

Each of the islands, apart from possessing their own distinct character, each has two sides to them. A wet and a dry side. The wet side of Maui is popular for the main route you must take to reach it and that is known as the Hana Highway. It’s more of the journey than the destination. It is a long journey along a twisting road with the most breathtaking scenery you could ever imagine. Check that your camera’s battery is fully charged!

Maui is the top island to watch whales from October through February with the best whale viewing during December and January, when whales make the beaches of Maui their winter home. They were born here and play in the shallow tropical waters of the Au’au channel that runs off on the shores of Maui. They return every year, and if you’re on Maui during whale-watching season, the tour operators can guarantee that you will see whales or offer a second excursion for free.

Lahaina is an ancient whaling community which has been transformed to one of the best shopping destinations on Maui It has a 1/2-mile street that is lined with shops after shops after shops and a variety of great restaurants for you to relax at so that you can go on shopping. Lahaina is also home to one of the largest banyan trees with branches stretching across a whole city block. Local art exhibitions are usually held in the shade of the trees.

Big Island

What is the reason it is called “the Big Island”? It’s not called the Big Island because it is growing at a rapid rate, instead, it’s because it’s huge when compared to the other islands. It is possible to fit all the islands in the same area that the Big Island occupies. Like the other islands, it also has its dry and wet side.

The Big Island is also the island of Kilauea! Kilauea continues to erupt since 1983. Kilauea has been continuously erupting since 1983. Big Island is the only island that’s still expanding. Pu’u O’o vent is adding new property to the island frequently and is constantly delivering fresh magma which flows downhill until it meets the ocean. There’s a whole business around the volcano as well as watching volcanoes.

It is the National Park system that provides rangers who venture out on the flowing lava daily to mark safe pathways that allow visitors to get as close as they can to the area where the lava flows into the ocean. Apart from being able to walk across fresh lava and catch an eerie view of flowing lava and lava, you can also go on an air-borne excursion of the volcanic. You’re almost certain to observe surface flow. And when the winds aren’t too strong, you will be able to have a pleasant view of the heart of the Pu’u O’o.

There is also a growing industry in the area of watching the lava flows that flow out of the ocean. At present, there isn’t a tour company that can take people out, but adventurous fishers who take paying customers to get a closer look at the ocean. Scientists are exploring the underwater world in which the ocean and lava is a very risky undertaking, however the footage they have gathered of the underwater lava is amazing!

However, the volcano isn’t all it is that Big Island has to offer.

Kona is the dry desert part of the island and Hilo has the side that receives most of the rain. Most resorts are located on Kona’s dry side. Tourists don’t want to be wet all the time enjoying their Hawaii holiday. They’d like clear skies and that’s exactly what you’ll get in Kona. Kona, the town Kona Kailua-Kona was, as Lahaina it was a whaling village. The area along the oceanfront of Kailua Kona is like Lahaina in another way. It’s full of restaurants and shops for visitors to Hawaii. Beyond and above the seaside the city is an expansive one which few visitors visit.

Hilo is a town in the state of Hilo, it is just a couple of hours’ drive from Kona and takes you right through the volcano, as well as the town that is a volcano and along some of the most deserted regions you’ll ever come across. The landscape isn’t exactly what many people think of when they dream of Hawaii.

As you get to Hilo the landscape is transformed dramatically. It’s gone is the desert landscape. You will instead discover the lush tropical landscape that you’ve been searching for. lush green vegetation palm trees that sway in the breeze, and waterfalls are all over the place. Hilo is awash in rain and the rain gives a lush, garden-like effect. Hilo has a few B&B’s, motels, and resorts, however, not like Kona and certainly not the resorts with mega-sized facilities which Kohala is famous for.

If you continue to follow the road that passes through Hilo it will take you all the way around, and eventually end with Kona. Kona is an island, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise. While traveling, you’ll encounter stunning landscapes on the planet. Make sure you have plenty of time to stop to look around and take in the amazing sights. If you can, make sure you spend an entire day in each part of Hilo. If that’s not possible, try to plan at least a night in Hilo to not be overly stressed when you go on the round the island tour. The tour can be completed in one day, however not at a slow pace.


Ah, Kauai! They refer to it as the garden island; the lush island and palm trees that sway in the breeze, Fern Grotto, and Mt. Wai’ale’ale. You can sometimes feel the rain dripping across Mt. Wai’ale’ale as you lounge on the beach. There isn’t even any cloud over the ocean!

If you’re in search of an escape from stress, Kauai is the island that is perfect for you! It’s not a lot in terms of nightlife on this island, and you won’t be in a rush because the maximum speed limit on Kauai is just 45. It is mandatory that you reduce your speed when traveling to Kauai.

Alongside Mt. Wai’ale’ale as well as Fern Grotto, Kauai has Waimea Canyon, sometimes called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific as well as Alikai Swamp. There are a lot of diverse landscapes on a tiny island.

The main resort areas in Kauai comprise Poipu, as well as Princeville with Princeville being located on the lush and wet portion of the island and Poipu, is where sun seekers come to play. This concludes the overview of the top four islands in Hawaii. A majority of visitors will pick one of the islands as their first trip, and if they’re like me, they’ll become enthralled by the beauty and hospitality of the islands and will make numerous trips to the islands until they’ve been on all of them.

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