Saturday , February 15 2025
Post-operative Care Tips for Your Dental Crowns

Post-operative Care Tips for Your Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are restorative options for broken or damaged teeth. There are many restorative options, but crowns are ideal to replace a missing tooth. The procedure is simple, but after the process, there are aftercare procedures the patient must follow.

Proper care of dental crowns after the procedure

Before knowing some post-operative care information for dental crowns, you should know first the crowns you have. The recovery period takes a few days. You may experience sensitivity, irritation, and inflammation after the procedure, but may subside within a week. Pain issues are manageable and medications are available over-the-counter. Patients must go back to the dentist if there is trouble biting or discomfort.

Here are some post-procedure care tips.  

  • Maintain Oral Hygiene

Dental crowns may last for a maximum of fifteen years, but may also depend on how the wearer practice oral hygiene. Brush at least twice a day, use floss, and rinse using an antibacterial mouthwash. Be cautious about any developing problem around the dental crown. It is essential to correct the problem immediately, otherwise, you need to wait for a longer time to redo the entire restoration.

Using fluoride toothpaste is essential when wearing a dental crown. It will protect the natural structure of the tooth from potential damage and decay. Avoid using a hard bristle toothbrush to prevent scratches on the porcelain.

  • Watch Your Diet

Eating some food may cause the crown to pull out. That is why you must be careful of the food you eat. You should not eat crunchy and hard food like nuts and candies. Otherwise, it would cause the crown to chip. Likewise, sugary drinks and food can also dislodge the crown.  Avoid chewy and sticky foods, and cold and hot beverages and food because they can cause sensitivity.

  • Get pain meds for discomfort

Discomfort is normal during the recovery period. But if it is troublesome on your part, consult your dentist at the soonest possible time. The dentist may give you medication to relieve the discomfort.

  • Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods

Despite being durable, dental crowns can also be damaged if the wearer will eat hard, sticky, or crunchy foods. The food you eat can adversely affect the long-term health of the dental crown. Hard, crunchy, or sticky foods can cause cracking and chipping.

  • Maintain Good Habits

Grinding teeth and chewing nails can also damage the dental crown. Thus, it is better to avoid those bad habits. Grinding would not only damage the crown but also the natural teeth. If you have a habit of grinding teeth while sleeping, the best thing to do is to use a mouthguard. It will prevent the grinding of teeth and protect the dental crown as well.

  • Use a Night Guard

Dental experts recommend using a night guard for patients who experience bruxism or grinding of teeth. It is essential to treat first bruxism prior to wearing a dental crown. Consult your dentist for the best solution to address bruxism.

  • Treat bruxism if necessary

Bruxism is a habit in which a person grinds the teeth. Such a habit can damage the crown because of excessive pressure. Thus, before getting a dental crown, it is better to address first bruxism. A customized oral device can cushion the teeth.  

  • Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting the dentist regularly is essential after the procedure. If you notice any problem or discomfort, visit your dentist to resolve the problem immediately before it gets worse.

Dental crowns are available in two types, such as temporary and permanent crowns.

Temporary dental crowns are the option of dental restoration used for emergency cosmetic dentistry. It is a temporary solution to fill the gap while waiting for the permanent one. Make sure to practice aftercare until the dentist removes the temporary dental crown.

On the other hand, aftercare for permanent dental crowns must be practiced after the procedure. This type of dental crown is cemented firmly and works like a natural tooth. But you can still experience gum sensitivity for the first few weeks. If the discomfort lasts longer, inform and visit your dentist.

The best thing about a permanent dental crown is you can do most things normally with your teeth. You can eat your usual diet and drink beverages without worrying about dental restoration. All you have to do is follow the recommended dental hygiene.

Final thoughts

Proper care after the procedure is essential for individuals with a dental crown. The dentist will discuss to you the aftercare routine even before placing the dental crown. As much as possible, ask everything about the restoration options during the dental checkup. This way, you will be familiarized and make a sound decision about whether dental crowns are the best option for you. The procedure can be pricey, but you can expect it will give you beautiful teeth and a smile.

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