We all know about backlinks but do we ever feel why it is important?
Yes, today I will show you the importance of backlinks and building guidelines.
First I will talk about the importance of backlinks in 2020.
In 2020 search engines like Google or Bing don’t look after your domain authority. They are giving you ranking on the basis of your article quality and traffic engagement.
Why we need backlinks?
Backlinks are one of the most important parts of off-page SEO. We need backlinks only for getting quality traffic and increasing engagement. Here it is not much important whether it does follow or no follow link.
If you make a do-follow link in a low authority site and get a few traffic can’t provide you a traffic funnel. But a no-follow link in a high authority site can give you a good traffic funnel.
So, it is more important to make a traffic funnel rather than make do-follow links. Because ranking depends on your content quality and traffic.
So, we will build links only for developing our traffic funnel.
How To Build Quality Backlinks in 2020?
Building quality backlinks is not very difficult when you know the process of building backlinks.
There are many ways you can develop quality backlinks. Today I will show you how you can build quality backlinks.
Comments Backlinks
In my opinion commenting backlinks is the best way to building quality backlinks. You can search your targeted keywords on the Google search bar. Google will show you the best 10 website links on the 1st page. You should visit those links and post your comments here with your link.
In this way, you can build quality backlinks. Most of the commenting backlinks are no-follow. So, it is very difficult to increase DA or PA from commenting backlinks. But you will get quality traffic from commenting backlinks and that can help you to rank your keywords on the 1st page of the search engines.
Guest Post
Guest post is good options for getting do-follow links. But it is very difficult to publish your article to a high profile website. If you can publish your articles to a high profile website or blog, it is the best choice to build quality backlinks.
Your article should be very good quality, informative and plagiarism free for publishing your article on a high profile website or blog.
Image Backlinks
Image backlinks is a good idea for getting quality traffic. There are many popular sites where you can publish your image content with backlinks.
You can build backlinks with images on Pinterest, weheartit, mix, etc. All these sites are very popular and can divert traffic to your website.
Video Backlinks
Video backlinks are very effective in getting traffic to your website. YouTube is the most popular social media for video sharing and it is also the most traffic engaged site. You can share your video content on the other social media like TikTok, Vimeo, WeChat, Snapchat all popular social platforms for sharing video content. You can build backlinks on your video content and publish it on social platforms.
If you don’t have original video content, you can make animated video, build backlinks and share.
Directory Submission
Directory submission is a great ways of getting do-follow backlinks and generate traffic. There are many online directories like yellow pages. Directory is the place where many people visit and search for their requirements.
You can submit website URL, description of your website/business, physical address and phone number to the directory. They will check and if they found all ok, then you will get live URL
Forum Posting
This is another way of getting backlinks and traffic. Forum is the place where people discuss topics, problems, and ideas. You can join there and can give your opinion with your article links. But it should be relevant. If your opinion and article are relevant you can get the good number of traffic from here.
Web 2.0
It is social platforms where you can share your URL and get authority and traffic. Blogspot, Wix, medium, webs, yola all are popular web 2.0 social platforms. You can write your articles here and build do-follow links. The benefit of web 2.0 is they have their own traffic. You will get the good number of traffic from web 2.0.
You have to update your web 2.0 regularly for getting traffic regular basis.
End Words
In my SEO works I have found that backlinks are important for building traffic funnels, it does not play a major role in ranking keywords in 2020.