Saturday , February 8 2025
Python Interview Questions

12 Python Interview Questions That Every Beginner Needs to Prepare for Entering A Lucrative Career!

When one looks at the most lucrative and highly sought-after job in 2021, the first thing that would come to mind will be ‘Python’. We took an Interest analysis of the word python using Google Trends and the result is surprisingly favourable.

Python Interview Questions

(5 years Interest over time analysis of term ‘Python’ in India, Source: Google Trends)

Be it Python programmer or Python trainer, an entry level job in Python programming fetches an average salary of around eight lakhs’ rupees per annum. But the most common problem that most of the job aspirants who are looking for a golden key to their dream job is to go through the Python interview, because sometimes, an interview for python can be a thing of nightmares.

But worry no more, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the most popular python interview questions with answers that can ‘wow’ an interviewer. So, without further delay, let’s hope right in and learn about the top python interview questions.

Top Python Interview Questions: 

1) Who is the father of Python Programming? Can you list out a few of his other achievements as well?

Answer: Dutch computer programming icon “Guido van Rossum” is known as the father of Python Programming.

Some of his other remarkable contributions to the modern computing world includes development of the web-based code review system, Mondrian for Google and cloud storage system Dropbox.

2) Why is Python gaining more popularity?

Answer: Python is gaining more popularity when compared with other similar programming languages and that is because of the following reasons:

  • It is easier to learn.
  • Python is free and open source.
  • Python is an object-oriented programming language. (OOP)
  • Supported in almost all kinds of operating systems. (Be it Linux, Mac or Microsoft)

3) Why is Python called dynamically typed language?

Answer: Python executes each statement line by line, while the code is being executed. That is why Python is known as a dynamically typed language.

4) Does Python support nested functions? Given an example of a nested function.

Answer: Nested function means putting a function in another function. Python supports Nested functions.

Example: when X= 194.778

Print ( int ( abs (x)))

The answer that the above nested function will return is 194.

5) Consider the following code:

import math

x = 12

print ( log2 (x))

What will be the output, can you explain your answer?

Answer: The output will return an error because in the above code we have traded log2(x) as an built-in function, whereas it is from the module (math) so the module name needs to be preceded before the function. The correct code will be as follows:

import math

x = 12

print (math. log2 (x)) 

6) What is IDLE?

Answer: IDLE is the acronym of “Integrated Development and Learning Environment”. This a basic form of interpreter and editor that is usually preferred to be used by programmers at the beginner level because it comes with features like

Colorizing, auto completion, multiple undo, smart indent and operates the same in all platforms.

7) What is the difference between local variables and Global variables?

Answer:  Local variables are declared inside a specific function and can only be accessed by the function itself, in other words local variables are not capable of data sharing.

Global variables are declared outside a function and the data can be accessed by other functions as well.

Global variables are stored in a fixed location whereas local variables are stored in the stack.

8) What are Identifiers in Python?

Answer: A name which is given to an entity (class/ function/ variables etc.) which helps to differentiate one entity from another is known as an ‘Identifier’ 

Identifiers can be either lowercase/ uppercase letters or numbers or a combination of both.

Underscore (_) can also be used as an Identifier.

An Identifier can not begin with a digit but can end with one.

9) What are comments in Python? What are its usages?

Answer: Comments are lines of description put by the programmer to better understand the sour code and are ignored by Python interpreters while executing the program.

Any statement that starts with the symbol # is considered as a comment.

Example: # This is a Comment

10) How do you write a comment in python if it extends beyond one line?

Answer: When comment exceeds one line it is known as Multi-line comment. A multiline comment can be written in two ways

First: putting a Hashtag symbol before each line.


# This is a comment

# which explains the program

# written by me

Second:  inserting a triple quotes symbol (“ “ “ ) before and after the comment


“”” This is a comment

which explains the program

written by me “””

11) Why Python is known as a type- inferred language, explain.

Answer: Python is a type- infrared language which means that a programmer does not need to explicitly declare the variable type as the type is automatically detected by the language itself.

12) What do you mean by Literal? What is the type of literals?

Answer: The Raw data given to a variable or constant is known as Literals. The various types of literals are as follows

Numeric Literals, String Literals, Boolean Literals, Special Literals.

Still, feeling a little nervous about your Python interview? How about refreshing those codes a little by taking up the Great learning Python Programming in Hindi course which is a free course for your knowledge. We hope that these top python interview questions will help you! Happy Learning. 

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